The man in the void

In the loneliness of the stage. Just in the precise moment when the rest of the band awaits. Just in the right first second when everything is quiet and only an acoustic guitar and your voice are breaking the space, that’s the magic moment.
The audience is hopeful. The lights stay on and you’re completely alone in an empty spot among the people and the stage. Alone in an undefined time with a chord and the echo of your voice bouncing against the ceiling. Alone with God.
That’s the moment when I feel more as me. When I’m myself and only. With no disguises. No ornaments. No warped reflections of a man in a mirror. Only a simple, humble, clean and sincere voice. A soul expressing itself with no expectations.
In that moment, you don’t need anything. No applause. And no recognition. No prestige. And no popularity. Only the bliss to be part of the universe with the rest of everyone there. To be as one.
That’s the most honest feeling who an artist could feel. Because this moment is real. This moment is true.
Far from expectatives, every heart is beating in a same beat. And every voice is shining with their own light. In the edge of the quiet void.
That’s my favorite moment in a show. When all of you are the artist too. When your music is my music and our hands they could change the world in a spark.
Anyway. New gig this friday and many more coming next months. And new songs are in the oven. Cooking in the slow light of the studio. In the factory of dreams and hopes.
Thanks a lot for being there, believers. In every way. Filling my space with your lovely presence.

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