
Well, well…Tomorrow is a big day for me and the DBand! We are starting our 2023 tour with a premiere gig playing the songs of my last  American Rock album. Since I live most of my time in Spain I thought it will be a good thing starting my tour here. But I remain hopeful we’ll can play in Ireland really soon. And if we’re lucky, maybe we culd reach other countries in the near future.
I’m excited to be able to share our ROCK AS YOU Tour with the world and make some new fans along the way. I can’t wait to see what the crowd thinks of our sound and energy, as well as how we will be received by the local music scene.
With this new tour, I’m hoping to take my one step to the next level! We have been working hard for this moment and can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. So join us tomorrow as we embark on a journey of real rock and roll! Or maybe you think that rock was dead for blame of AI tech sounds? Oh man, I can assure you we’re still here. Strong and vital!
For several years I’ve been playing covers in pubs building myself as a real musician. But I really believe that now here’s hoping that it will be the start of something special!
Our way to make the difference has arrived. And it is only the first of many great things. ‘Cause, if you want to improve the world, why not to do through music? Share this with us. Welcome to the stage!

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