
For several years, in my mind, I was fighting against myself in a kind of existential dichotomy. I’m more a musician than a kind of creative designer?
I mean… In the past I used to expose myself openly as a musician. And I tended to save my second line of work for my professional field only. I worked for companies perfoming marketing campaigns and designing mottos and logos. When it came to design CD covers, posters, videoclips or even my artist logo I di it on my own. But I’m not sure if I mentioned that all this was my very own design and work.
I think that for some illogical reason I thought that it had some kind of… incompatibility? conflict of interest? I really don’t know, sincerily.
But finally, a kind of revelation came to me when I was working in the construction of my merchandising shop Rock As You. What if I’m both things? And what if is a better and honest idea to tie it together?
And yes. My shop was the answer. And this revelation can’t make me happier!
‘Cause now is growing on me this thing I felt in my heart all my life that my music is more than merely music. It’s a concept actually. A way to live in a different style.
Anyway… you know about me all this things about my beliefs and my defence for a better and more honest world. But recently I found that there’s a lot more in me. More about this beliefs. And more about to expose all this ideas through a several ways of art. Design is one of this art expressions. And I mixed all this concept with my own merch, finally finding something that makes me feel so much fulfilled.
I don’t wanna be a fkn fashion guru, by the way. But meanwhile I was working in this concept something came to me. This kind of…inspiration, how the great Wayne Dyer he used to say.
My only purpose is to bring you a different chance to feel part of something free. Be part of this tribe where we make the most doing the best for our beloved ones, and the world in which we live. And in my head it makes sense to link my music, beliefs and art design, in a kind of compact unique concept. No more dichotomy. A peaceful and openly work doing my best for you. Hoping you enjoy it!
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